Ads and Affiliate Disclaimer - Food N Travel

Ads and Affiliate Disclaimer

Hey, here’s a quick overview about Ads and Affiliate links that you may find in this website!

This website uses different analytics to track where its visitors are coming from and the devices used. Also, this website may use services from ad networks such as AdSense to display ads. Both the respective analytics and AdSense have their own privacy policies, which this website has no right on.

If we link to products or services, those links may be affiliate links. Affiliate links help us earn a small commission when some of you click on the link and purchase a product within a specific time frame. This commission is paid by the retailers, at no extra cost to the buyer.

However, we will be careful to use any such links – in the sense, we will be using the links of products or services that either we have personally used or after a thorough research on it. Such affiliates include Amazon Associates and other selected services. Money earned through these advertisements and affiliate marketing keeps Food N Travel running. Thank you so much for your support.